
This page refers to any document that may be of interest to you, according to the categories mentioned in the header, the most recent at the top of the list.
Some english texts are in creation.
Please see also the french Documents page.

Lettres de nouvelles

  • Lettre du Comité International Sept 2023
    Il est un feu qui ne s'éteint pas, celui de l'Esprit Saint Chers Frères et Sœurs en Christ et amis fidèles,...
  • Lettre du Comité International Août 2023
    During the recent May-June Montee in Israel-Palestine, the Lord tested and deeply moved the participants spiritually... (Au cours de la récente montée de mai-juin en Israël-Palestine, le Seigneur a éprouvé et fort bousculé spirituellement les montants...)
  • Lettre du Comité International Décembre 2022
    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ and Faithful Friends, Expecting the unexpected from God, living the blank slate: this is how, year after year, Les Montées de Jerusalem continues on its way... (Chers Frères et Sœurs en Christ et amis fidèles, S'attendre à l'inattendu de Dieu, vivre la page blanche : c'est ainsi qu'année après année les Montées de Jérusalem poursuivent leur chemin...)
  • Lettre du Comité International Mai 2022
    A long silence since our latest news from last fall, similar to the silence of nature in the winter season... (Un long silence depuis nos dernières nouvelles de l'automne dernier, semblable au silence de la nature en saison hivernale...)
  • En chemin
    Annex to the October 2021 letter
  • Lettre du Comité International Octobre 2021
    It has been almost two years since the Rises to Jerusalem have suffered, as elsewhere in the world, the tremors of the pandemic. We recall...
  • Lettre du Comité International Novembre 2020
    Dear Brothers and Sisters, What a joy to finally be able to write to you and come and show you that we are, thanks to GOD, still alive, and we also hope you are in good health!
  • Lettre du Comité International Mai 2020
    ... It is in the particular circumstances and unforeseen situations due to the pandemic that this letter was written to reach you ...


  • What are the « Montees » meaning for me?
    Testimony of a young Christian Arab, born in the old city of Jerusalem and recently installed near Bethleem. "I know the « Montees » since I was a little kid, and the fact it is still working and touching people hearts..."


  • Nostra Aetate
    Decree of October 28, 1965, issued from Vatican Council II: a historic turning point for the Roman Catholic Church in its relations with Judaism and other religions.